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Night at the Museum: Loyalists in America, The Price of Resistance

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An examination of the difficult choices individual colonialists made regarding the American Revolution for freedom from England. What drove those choices, what were the impacts to the people that made them and what was the effect on the emerging country?

Not everyone joined the ranks of the Patriots and their story is mostly forgotten or hidden in our celebrated past. We will explore some of that history and shed light on the part played by local families in Delaware.

Terry Mansberger joined Historic Lewes in 2022 after attending a Legends tour the previous autumn. He now serves as a tour guide, museum docent, Tavern barkeep, and occasional cutter bowman on the canal.  Terry and his partner Charlie moved to Lewes full-time from Fairfax, Virginia in 2020 after 20 years as seasonal visitors.

Lewes History Museum
101 Adams Avenue
Lewes, DE 19958 United States



October 10, 2024, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm